Source code for loan_calculator.utils

from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP

[docs]def display_summary(loan, reference_date=None): """Display a legible summary of a loan. Parameters ---------- loan : Loan, required Loan to be displayed. reference_date : date, optional Date object with the date to consider as reference when calculating the values of the column `day` in the function's output. (default None) """ reference_date = reference_date or loan.start_date dates = [reference_date] + loan.return_dates lines = list( zip( dates, map(lambda d: (d - reference_date).days, dates), loan.balance, [''] + loan.amortizations, [''] + loan.interest_payments, [''] + loan.due_payments, ) ) separator = ('+------------+----------+--------------' '+--------------+--------------+--------------+') header = ('| dates | days | balance ' '| amortization | interest | payment |') trailing_line = ( '| {:>8} | {:>8d} | {:>12.2f} | ' '| | |' .format(*[lines[0][0].isoformat()] + list(lines[0][1:3])) ) body_line = ('| {:>8} | {:>8d} | {:>12.2f} ' '| {:>12.2f} | {:>12.2f} | {:>12.2f} |') footer_line = ( '| | | ' '| {:>12.2f} | {:>12.2f} | {:>12.2f} |' .format( loan.total_amortization, loan.total_interest, loan.total_paid ) ) summary = '\n'.join( [ separator, header, separator, trailing_line, ] + [ body_line.format( line[0].isoformat(), line[1], *list( map( lambda n: Decimal(n).quantize( Decimal('0.01'), rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP ), line[2:]) ) ) for line in lines[1:] ] + [ separator, footer_line, separator, ] ) print(summary)