Source code for loan_calculator.schedule.constant

from loan_calculator.schedule.base import (
    BaseSchedule, AmortizationScheduleType

[docs]class ConstantAmortizationSchedule(BaseSchedule): """Implement constant amortization schedule. The constant amortization schedule is defined as the amortization schedule where all the amortizations have the same value, given as :math:`s/k`, where :math:`s` is the principal and :math:`k` is the number of due payments. Therefore, the due payments do not have all the same value, as in the French system, but differ according to how much interest was accumulated over time. If :math:`d` is the daily interest rate, :math:`P_i` is the :math:`i`-th due payment, :math:`A_i` and :math:`J_i` are the associated amortization and interest, respectively, and :math:`b_i` is the balance after the :math:`i`-th payment, then - :math:`A_i = \\frac{s}{k}`. - :math:`J_i = ((1+d)^{n_i} - (1+d)^{n_{i-1}}) (s - A\\displaystyle\\sum_{1\\leq j\\leq i-1}\\frac{1}{(1+d)^{n_j}})`. - :math:`P_i = A + J_i`. - :math:`b_i = s - iA`. """ schedule_type = AmortizationScheduleType.constant_amortization_schedule
[docs] def calculate_balance(self): """Calculate the balance after each payment. The balance after each payment is given by .. math:: b_i := s(1 - \\frac{i}{k}), \\ \\mathrm{for\\ all}\\ i,0\\leq i\\leq k, where :math:`s` is the principal and :math:`k` is the number of instalments. """ k = len(self.return_days) return [self.principal * (1 - float(i) / k) for i in range(k + 1)]
[docs] def calculate_amortizations(self): """Calculate the amortizations by payments. Since this is a constant amortization schedule, all amortizations have the same value, given by .. math:: A_i := \\frac{s}{k},\\mathrm{for\\ all}\\ i,1\\leq i\\leq k, where :math:`s` is the principal and :math:`k` is the number of instalments. """ return [ self.principal / len(self.return_days) for _ in self.return_days ]
[docs] def calculate_interest(self): """Calculate the interest in each payment. The interest is calculated over the last balance and is given by .. math:: J_i := b_{i-1}((1+d)^{n_i-n_{i-1}}-1) \\ \\mathrm{for\\ all}\\ i,1\\leq i\\leq k, where :math:`b_{i-1}` is the :math:`(i-1)`-th balance, :math:`d` is the daily interest rate and :math:`n_1,\\ldots,n_k` are the return days. """ # rename variable to make the math more explicit d = self.daily_interest_rate return [ b * ((1 + d) ** (n - m) - 1) for b, n, m in zip(self.balance[:-1], self.return_days, [0] + self.return_days[:-1]) ]
[docs] def calculate_due_payments(self): """Calculate the due payments. In the constant amortization schedule, the instalment value is not fixed as in Price type schedules but depends on how much interest is due for each period and the amortization, which is constant. The payments are then given by .. math:: P_i = b_{i-1}((1+d)^{n_i-n_{i-1}}-1) + \\frac{S}{k}, \\ \\mathrm{for\\ all}\\ i,1\\leq i\\leq k, where :math:`b_{i-1}` is the :math:`(i-1)`-th balance, :math:`d` is the daily interest rate, :math:`S` is the principal and :math:`n_1,\\ldots,n_k` are the return days. """ # variables are renamed to make the math more explicit p = self.principal d = self.daily_interest_rate k = len(self.return_days) return [ b * ((1 + d) ** (n - m) - 1) + p / k for b, n, m in zip( self.balance[:-1], self.return_days, [0] + self.return_days[:-1] ) ]