Source code for

from datetime import timedelta

from loan_calculator.schedule import SCHEDULE_TYPE_CLASS_MAP
from loan_calculator.schedule.base import AmortizationScheduleType
from loan_calculator.interest_rate import (
    convert_to_daily_interest_rate, InterestRateType, YearSizeType)

[docs]class Loan(object): """Loan. Attributes ---------- principal : float, required The loan's principal. annual_interest_rate : float, required The loan's annual interest rate. start_date : date, required The loan's reference date. This date is usually the one when the borrower signed the loan's contract. return_dates : list, required List of date objects with the expected return dates. These dates are usually contractually agreed. year_size : int, optional The reference year size for converting from annual to daily interest rates. (default 365) grace_period : int, optional The number of days for which the principal is not affected by the capitalization process. (default 0) amortization_schedule_type : str, optional A discriminator string indicating the amortization schedule to be adopted. The available schedules are progressive_price_schedule, regressive_price_schedule, constant_amortization_schedule. (default AmortizationScheduleType.progressive_price_schedule.value). """ def __init__( self, principal, annual_interest_rate, start_date, return_dates, year_size=YearSizeType.commercial, grace_period=0, amortization_schedule_type=( AmortizationScheduleType.progressive_price_schedule.value ) ): """Initialize loan.""" self.principal = principal self.annual_interest_rate = annual_interest_rate self.daily_interest_rate = convert_to_daily_interest_rate( annual_interest_rate, InterestRateType.annual, year_size, ) self.start_date = start_date self.capitalization_start_date = start_date + timedelta(grace_period) self.return_dates = return_dates self.year_size = year_size self.grace_period = grace_period self.amortization_schedule_type = ( AmortizationScheduleType(amortization_schedule_type) ) self.amortization_schedule_cls = SCHEDULE_TYPE_CLASS_MAP[ self.amortization_schedule_type ] if any( self.capitalization_start_date >= r_date for r_date in self.return_dates ): raise ValueError('Grace period can not exceed loan start.') self.amortization_schedule = self.amortization_schedule_cls( principal, self.daily_interest_rate, [ (r_date - self.capitalization_start_date).days for r_date in return_dates ] ) @property def amortization_function(self): def f_(principal, daily_interest_rate, return_days): return self.amortization_schedule_cls( principal, daily_interest_rate, return_days ).amortizations return f_ @property def return_days(self): return self.amortization_schedule.return_days # pragma: no cover @property def balance(self): return self.amortization_schedule.balance # pragma: no cover @property def due_payments(self): return self.amortization_schedule.due_payments # pragma: no cover @property def interest_payments(self): return self.amortization_schedule.interest_payments # pragma: no cover @property def amortizations(self): return self.amortization_schedule.amortizations # pragma: no cover @property def total_amortization(self): return ( self.amortization_schedule.total_amortization # pragma: no cover ) @property def total_interest(self): return self.amortization_schedule.total_interest # pragma: no cover @property def total_paid(self): return self.amortization_schedule.total_paid # pragma: no cover