Source code for loan_calculator.interest_rate

from enum import Enum, IntEnum

[docs]class InterestRateType(Enum): daily = 'daily' annual = 'annual' semiannual = 'semiannual' monthly = 'monthly' quarterly = 'quarterly'
[docs]class YearSizeType(IntEnum): banker = 360 commercial = 365
[docs]def convert_to_daily_interest_rate( interest_rate_aliquot, interest_rate_type=InterestRateType.daily, year_size=YearSizeType.commercial ): """"Convert aliquots from a given rate to a daily interest rate. This function will convert an aliquot from a given rate (as in InterestRateType) to a daily interest rate, since "a day" is the default unit time adopted for financial modelling in this library. It is also important to note that the proper conversion of rates depends on the size of a year in days. Parameters ---------- interest_rate_aliquot: float, required Aliquot to be converted to a daily interest rate aliquot. interest_rate_type: InterestRateType, optional The type of rate in which the input aliquot is capitalized (default: InterestRateType.daily). year_size: YearSizeType, optional A year size is necessary since monthly, quarterly and semiannual rates are relative to an annum (default YearSizeType.commercial). Returns ------- float Aliquot as a daily interest rate. Raises ------ TypeError If the interest_rate_type is none one of the enumerated in InterestRateType. """ if interest_rate_type == InterestRateType.daily: return interest_rate_aliquot elif interest_rate_type == InterestRateType.annual: # 1 + a = (1 + d)^365 => d = (1 + a)^(1/365) - 1 return (1 + interest_rate_aliquot) ** (1 / year_size) - 1 elif interest_rate_type == InterestRateType.semiannual: # (1 + s)^2 = (1 + d)^365 => d = (1 + s)^(2/365) - 1 return (1 + interest_rate_aliquot) ** (2 / year_size) - 1 elif interest_rate_type == InterestRateType.monthly: # (1 + m)^12 = (1 + d)^365 => d = (1 + m)^(12/365) - 1 return (1 + interest_rate_aliquot) ** (12 / year_size) - 1 elif interest_rate_type == InterestRateType.quarterly: # (1 + q)^4 = (1 + d)^365 => d = (1 + q)^(4/365) - 1 return (1 + interest_rate_aliquot) ** (4 / year_size) - 1 else: raise TypeError('Unknown interest rate type')